Time Goes By So Fast When You're Not Blogging!
I don't even know where to begin with this post. I haven't really done anything blog-related since April. I'm not even reading the blogs I had saved on a regular basis. I have always been like this, even with my own diary/journal growing up. I go for months blogging often, and then I suddenly stop. I don't sit down and find the time to put down my thoughts, and it's such a shame, because I love to go back and read old posts and remember things that I found important. So, I thought I'd at least write a little today. Maybe I'll continue?? Maybe not?? lol Life has been treating me well. The summer flew by too fast as usual, and now here it is, almost Thanksgiving, and the snow is flying around the area already. Winter has seemed to descend upon almost the entire country in the last week, and Fall isn't even over yet. I'm so not ready for this!! The only time I am ready and willing to see snow and cold temps is around Christmas!! And then I'd like ...