Holy Crap! And Other Stuff

Sunday my mom and I went to church at the new time, 10:30am. They changed the time from 11am because the Religious Education kids will be getting out at 10:15, and instead of them having to wait until 11 to either go to mass or just be picked up by their parents, they changed the mass time to 10:30 in hopes the kids will just join their parents in the church. Religious education hasn't started yet, but by the amount of people in church on Sunday, it might as well have. Holy crap!!! I could not get over how many people were there. I haven't seen the church filled on a regular Sunday in forever. It actually brought some tears to my eyes. This is how it was going to church when I was a little girl, and even when I was in middle school/high school. But it was also a bit sad to know that several churches had to be closed and consolidated into one church (like we were) because of the dwindling population in Niagara Falls, and the shrinking participation in masses. I just hope that the crowd continues. I also hope my mom and I get to church a bit earlier, so we can get better parking! I wish I could walk to church since I'm 2 short blocks down the street from it, but there is no way I can do it. But that is fine! My mom picks me up and drops me off if she can't get a closer spot to walk in. And if I happen to go by myself, I leave way earlier than my mom would since I know the parking spots fill up quickly!

Monday I had an appt with the PH doc in Buffalo. I actually didn't see him, I just saw his nurse practitioner. She talked to me for quite awhile about how I was feeling, what Cleveland had said in my last visit, what's going on with the support group, etc. I asked her about pulmonary rehab, and she went to talk to Dr. G. about it. When she came back, she told me there were two places who had pulmonary rehab, one in a hospital what would be at least a 35 minute drive (give or take), and one that would be a 10 minute drive to a hospital they had heard rumors of having rehab. Dr. G. wanted me to check with my PH doc and the cardiologist in Cleveland first to see if they approved of rehab, and if they do, to call him back and he'd write a script. Cool!

So I called Mt. St. Mary's this morning to find out of they actually do have pulmonary rehab. Cool beans, they do!! I talked to the lady who had answered the phone for about 5 minutes, asking how it would work there, and do they have anyone who has low o2 sats while exercising?? I told her mine can drop to as low as (Sheila, close your eyes!!) 49%, and the lady was like "Wow, 49??" I told her I didn't want to scare the crap out of anyone, and she started laughing! She said as long as they had my complete medical background, it shouldn't be a problem. So I told her I would call back once I heard from my doctors. I emailed my PH doc, and a few hours later, he said he thought it would be a good thing for me to do, and that it would probably be very beneficial. Whoo hoo! Now I just need a call back from the cardiologist, and I'm good to go!

After my appt yesterday, I went to Michael's, drooled over the beads, but didn't buy anything! Well, I didn't buy beads. I did buy 2 beading items I needed, then wandered a bit before making my purchases and going back to the car. I called Eve, who is finally finally home!! She was busy helping Jody (her bf) set up more stuff around the apartment. I got directions from her, stopped at Starbucks to get my BIL a gift certificate since his bday is tomorrow (the 10th), and then headed to Eve's. Her place was really cute! It's definitely a nice size for them, and her son when she has him. I finally got to meet Chippy, the hamster (that thing was so fat!), and Bubby, the lizard. Oh my gosh, Bubby is HUGE!! He's the size of a small dog. I am so not kidding! I was so overwhelmed with the size of him that I had to take a peek and see him again before I left. LOL! I will have to remember to bring my camera the next time I'm over there, and take some pics. His tail must be 3 feet long! Bubby is being caged during the day when no one is there, and Bubby is pissed about it since he had free range back in NYC. When Eve and her son are home, they let Bubby roam. Eve told me next time I come over, she'll have Bubby out. Greaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat, I can't wait! LOL

Today I rang a few errands with Joanie, then my mom. I had chat in the afternoon, which went well, and I also made a bunch of phone calls. I finally layed down and read, then took a nap, in the afternoon since my head was really bothering me. It was kind of a low key day. I felt like I didn't do anything, even though I did go out twice and I made a bunch of phone calls!!

My mom called me tonight to let me know some woman is coming over on Friday to see the apartment. My mom said she's coming at 2:30, and if she isn't out of work in time, then maybe I can show her the place. I said I have an appt at 1:15, and I don't know if I'll be home in time. Part of me wants to be there to see what my mom is going to say to this lady, and part of me doesn't want to hear it. So I guess I just have to wait to see what happens.

Well, it's bedtime. I need to babysit the "little guy" tomorrow. I am trying to decide if I want to try using my living room/hallway. It would be more room for him to roll around and crawl. I'm just trying to assess what I might need to move out of the room. lol The computer room is ok, but I think he's getting bored, and ornery. He needs a change! I'll figure it out tomorrow by how much energy I have to move things around, and still watch the kid! lol


Anonymous said…
Was wondering where you have been?LOL
I am so happy for you that Ecve is back..I know that you two will have lots of fun:))
Hope the Rehab works out...Take care

Love & Hugs,

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