The Ideal Day

Once again, it's that time of month for dear Judi's Artsy Essay Contest! Please see the rules and regulations for this month here. I entered a couple month's ago when Judi decided to revive this wonderful contest, and decided I'd like to give it a shot this month! Here goes!

My Ideal Day

My ideal day would start out at 7am to get ready for work, instead of getting up to take a pill.

My ideal day would be going to work as a teacher, instead of wondering if I'd feel well enough to do anything for that day.

My ideal day would be working out at a gym, instead of hoping to have enough energy to just walk for 6 minutes on the treadmill at home.

My ideal day would be to freely walk about around my home and in public, instead of being tethered to a plastic tube going into my nose, providing oxygen to keep me going.

My ideal day would be remembering meeting times with friends or family, instead of keeping track of the 8 different times I need to take a pill or vitamin in a day.

My ideal day would be to go for a walk down the street with energy, instead of feeling so short of breath that I have to stop walking for a few minutes.

My ideal day would be to hope in the car and go for a drive, or a long trip, instead of worrying about what to do for oxygen needs and if I had enough medicine to do so.

My ideal day would be to keep going from one thing to another, instead of needing a nap in the afternoon just so I can finish the rest of my day.

My ideal day would be to be a normal person, with no health concerns, instead of being a pulmonary hypertension patient wishing that every day would be one that I can make it through.



amen Colleen and I hear you. There are so many little things that people take for granted... truly wondrous things in the balance of it all. Thank you for reminding us that it all counts, it all matters, and it all can be wonderful.

I want all this for you too. Thank you for writing and sharing. Well done!
Tigger said…
Thank you for sharing, I enjoyed this. Thank you for reading mine and leaving a wonderful comment onmy entry. Tawnya
Josi said…
Beautiful, Coleen. I'm so inspired with the fact that you find so much "Life" while other people with far less limitations from yourself do not seek out the connections and involvement you obviously do. The widow's mite lives on in people such as yourself that give so much. God Bless.
Josi said…
Beautiful, Coleen. I'm so inspired with the fact that you find so much "Life" while other people with far less limitations from yourself do not seek out the connections and involvement you obviously do. The widow's mite lives on in people such as yourself that give so much. God Bless.
Debra said…
'normal person'; i hear ya! good to find your blog. grins, debra
Annette said…
Coleen, this was fabulous!! thank you for writing it! Wow!
~~Kristal~~ said…
Thank you so much for writing this entry.. You really touched me.. you have amazing strength. Thank you so much.
Sue "T" said…
The words are beautiful honey. I hope you do not mind, but I copied it.
Such wonderful words come from your heart, you are such a sincere and understanding and very strong woman, who has been with this disease since birth.
You are an inspiration to us all sweetie!!
Much love and many hugs and blessings,
Your friend and PHriend, Sue :-)
Karlene said…
I had a quote on my fridge for awhile. Can't remember who said it, and I'm probably going to slaughter it, but I can get close...

Wisdom is almost the greatest thing in the world, second only to health.

Good essay.
Lena said…
Very nice Colleen- It sounds like you've got a rough row to hoe right now. It's nice to imagine the perfect day though isn't it?
Anonymous said…
Thank you for sharing this, Colleen. You have reminded me that there is so much in life that we take for granted. This was a great essay!

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