A Lovely Surprise!

Today I had to go get my PT/INRs checked again, because two weeks ago they were a little whacked, and my doctor just wanted to make sure they were ok. So I got up, had breakfast, got myself ready to go, and left around 11am. I was happy that no one was waiting to be called to get paperwork done, and that hardly anyone was waiting for bloodwork to be drawn! I was out of there a little before noon, and I went to my parents' house to put up their computer. I got that all taken care of (I was nice and even dusted their computer stand before putting up the new tower!), for the most part, and was playing games on it when my mom came home. She had wanted me to wait until she did something with cords and put a faceplate on the wall before I put up the tower. Ooops. She made lunch, and after that, I unplugged everything, put the faceplate up, plugged things back in, and my mom vacuumed. I turned the computer back on, and was excited to see that I could get on the internet, when I couldn't before that! Yay!! I did several more things, showed her how to use the free antivirus software I downloaded, and around 5pm I left for home.

I had a big box sitting outside my side door, from my friend, Karen! In the mailbox were many cards and a couple pieces of junk mail. After I got myself settled, I opened everything up, saving one care in particular for last. I finally opened that one, and it was from a dear phriend. Cathy made me a beautiful red swarovski crystal bracelet, and the size is PERFECT!! Perhaps she was listening one night when for some reason I ended up saying how small my wrist size is, and that my bracelets fit my three year old niece! lol I don't even remember how that conversation came up, but I didn't think it would be put to use! lol I just love my bracelet, and I called Cathy right away to let her know how much I love it!! She is a sweet, sweet phriend, and not only to me. She does so many kind things for all of her family and phriends, and I think she is a wonderful person! And Cathy, don't tell me to go on and say it was nothing!! Because it really meant a lot to me, and I know the things you do for others do not go unappreciated!!

I opened up my box from Karen after dinner, and took out four wrapped gifts. I have NO clue what she got me!! I gave her a few ideas a month ago on things I'd like, but she always surprises me! I will be waiting, of course, to open her gifts on Christmas morning, like I usually do!! Last year, my favorite gift from her was a shower radio. I can't tell you how much I love it!! So I can't wait to see what she thought of this year! :)

Guess I'll turn in early again tonight. I've been doing that the past few nights, I've just been really tired lately. I hope I'm not coming down with something!! My parents have been sick again, and I've been around my mom a lot. I'm downing the vitamin C!! lol


phtony said…
building computers & receiving gifts: two of my favorites!

Don't get sick again - especially during the winter - rest & relaxation can be a medicine too - you're always so active!

Take care & chat with ya soon,

Teddybear said…
Colleen I test at home now once a week - b/c my PT/INR's have a hard time getting stable.

I am so glad your mom's computer is up and running it will makes things alot easier.

The Red bracelet sounds gorgeous, and I am sure the smaller gifts in the bigger one from Karen will be just as precious.

Isn't nice to know you have so many Phriends. Love Deb
Nancy said…
When I read your post, I could feel the love between you and your parents. Enjoy every moment that you spend together.

I love this time of year when all the cards/letters (even a surprise package or two) arrive in the mail. They create a warmth that lasts a long, long time.
Anonymous said…
Wow..What a day:)
Glad you got your Moms computer set up:)

I know that bracelet is beautiful:) Cathy is so woderful to us all..I know she does so much for everyone. Hope you get lots of good things in those packages:) Wait till Chrsitmas;)
Keep downing the Vit C and good handwashing..I know you do not want to be sick for Christmas..Stay warm and take care.

LOve & hugs,
Cathy said…
Im glad you liked the bracelet, and yes I was paying attention in chat one night.( I almost typed class instead of chat, LOL) I wrote down the size. See sometimes I do pay attention, LOL.
TW(Terry) said…
Hey Sweetie,
Sounds like you're having a big Christmas already. Judi and I just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays and hope that next year is even better than this one.

Love Ya
Judi & Terry

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