Happy 4th of July!!

Tomorrow is the 4th of July, but since it fell on a Tuesday this year, many people have had a very long weekend. So it seems like it's been the 4th all weekend! lol

I watched fireworks from the casino tonight from the apartment upstairs. It was nice to see them from up there, and not have to go down to the chaos and face crowds of people. I also got a double feature: the Canadian fireworks began about 15 minutes after ours, and I got to see both! It was nice, I just love the fireworks, I have since I was a little kid!

I don't really have anything planned for tomorrow. Usually, for the past few years, my family has gone to Beaver Island with Mandy's in-laws. But this year, since they are having a big family reunion some time this month, they didn't make plans to go. So I think it's going to be another regular day for me, really. I'll probably just have dinner with my parents, at least I hope that I will. lol

This July 4th, I will think of all the troops fighting the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. My biggest prayer is that they are able to come home very soon to their families. I am thankful that they are fighting for our country, and giving us freedoms that we have had for many years, that I think we often take for granted. May God Bless the troops, and may God also bless our beautiful country!


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