Being Thankful

I am thankful for my family, who I love with every fiber of my being. My parents, who have been there for me alot, especially the last several years, mean so much to me. My sisters are always on my mind and definitely in my hearts, and I love them ever so much.

I am thankful for all of my friends. I can't begin to imagine my life without them. They all bring such a different and unique aspect to my life, with their amazing talents and life experiences. I truly love them all.

I am thankful for my health, no matter how it stands. I've been through so much in my life healthwise, and I am so grateful that I'm still here on this earth. I've been through some pretty rough times, but I always feel that it could be worse. And it could be. Despite all the tests I've been through, despite all the pain I've endured with being so out of breath, despite the illnesses I've somehow managed to get over, I always know that it could be worse.

I am thankful for my home, for the roof over my head. No matter how poor I am, I am thankful that I am not living on the street. I can pay my bills, barely, but I can pay them. I can eat, I can be warm, I can be all those things that a homeless person cannot be. And I am thankful.

I am thankful for God, for if it wasn't for His love and care, I truly don't think I'd be here today. He has shown me that no matter what I go through, He is always there. No matter what I do or say, He is there. I may not understand His plan for me in life sometimes, but I know He has His reasons for things happening the way they do, and I am thankful that at least He has a plan.

Happy Thanksgiving to all, and the only question I leave with you is: What are you thankful for?


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