Nine Decades

When I was diagnosed with congenital heart disease and pulmonary hypertension, I was nine months old. My parents were told by my doctors at the time that I may not make it to my first birthday (yikes, that was only three more months to possibly live??), or I might live until 50. They had no idea, and really, the only person who does know is the Good Lord above. So far, He has allowed me to see 37 years, and I am incredibly thankful for that! I happen to be one of those people who will be EXCITED to turn 50, because it would just prove that doctors don't always know everything!

What is totally awesome to me is that there are people who live such long lives, and I can only pray that God will allow me to be around when I'm a ripe old age. My grandma is one of those who keeps aging, and she's doing pretty well, I might add! Last month, she turned 90. Ninety!! I can't believe it....and when I called to wish her a most Happy Birthday, she told me she couldn't believe it as well! The best part?? My grandma is still functioning well, despite some back problems. Her doctor told her a few years ago that she was so healthy, she may just live another decade! Ohh wait, the even better part?? Despite her nine decades, she looks like she's in her early 70's!! I can tell you that I have my grandma's genes, because despite being 37, I look like I'm in my early 20's! lol I have had lots of people look at me shocked when I say my age!!

Anywho, I will be traveling with 2 of my sisters and their families to Horseheads, NY, to celebrate my grandma's birthday with almost all of her children. She had 11 total, 8 girls and 2 boys. Can you believe that?? Two of them are not able to make it, but I'm really excited about seeing everyone who can come! It'll be a very long day, since it takes a few hours to get there, and then we'll be coming back at night when it's dark. But I'm looking forward to seeing my beautiful grandma, and to celebrate the 9 decades that God has given her so far! We are all so blessed to still have her with us!


Nelle said…
Hope it's a wonderful time! God bless your grandmother and give her another decade. Both my grandmother and great grandmother lived to be 97!
Teddybear said…
Colleen you do look only 20. Congrats on proving the Drs wrong so far, at the rate you are going I can see you making it to well past 50.

Blessings to you and your family as you gather for your grandma's birthday. May she have many more birthdays. Deb
This post gave me chills! It's so important to cherish life; I get so mad when people complain about dumb things in life and they fail to see the bigger picture. My husband continues to teach me how valuable life is, especially when you have a disease (for him crohn's) and you just can't take anything for granted. So happy for you and your grams!

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