A Field of Happiness

In the last week or so, I began seeing Facebook posts from local friends of a field of sunflowers in an area about 20 minutes east of me. I have seen a field of sunflowers once before, several years ago while on a trip with my mom to her hometown of Horseheads, NY. Right before we arrived there, I spotted sunflowers galore from the highway, and it was just so awesome! So, when I started seeing the pictures of friends enjoying the beautiful flowers, I knew I wanted to go for a drive! I did so on Friday afternoon. It was bright and sunny, although a little cool for my liking, and the drive was pretty easy. I knew I had arrived at the location of the field when I saw tons of cars lined up on the side of the road, where usually people aren't allowed to park. And then I saw the sunflowers. I was already in awe before I pulled over, and very excited!! My mom didn't want to come out with me, so I got out of the car and carefully crossed the road to the sunflowers. I could tell the poor flowers were starting to wilt from age, but there were many that were still thriving. But, I couldn't even begin to guess how many were there. Someone of Facebook said at least 100,000, and I guess after seeing the vast spread of them, maybe that was correct! I took many pictures, and of course several selfies, and also a live video to share the "sunflower field of gorgeousness (those were my words lol)" with all the people who didn't live in the area! I'm pretty sure that the farmers who own the land will definitely try to make this a tradition! I think it's a wonderful thing to have!!


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