I haven't posted in about a week and a half, and I really should have been! There has been so much to write about. I've been so busy, that by the time I got to blogging, I just was too tired to do it. Sooo anyway, here are some happenings! I became an aunt again last Friday, June 22. Little Sean was born in the afternoon, all 8lbs of him. He's sooooo cute, and looked alot like my BIL when I first saw him. But, I can definitely see my sistore, too! Children surely change as they grow up, so I'll see both Mandy and Ron as Sean changes. Just like I do when I see Hailey. They've all been home since last Sunday, Ron having a week off for paternity leave. I've only been over once since they brought Sean home, since they are trying to get the little guy adjusted to his new life. Hailey is also trying to get used to the newness of a baby around, and being that she just turned 2 the day before her brother arrived, it's a very trying time for them all! But they will g...