Message To A Dear Phriend

Dear Mason,

Happy 21st Birthday! Of course, I wish that you could actually be here to celebrate it. I know that I will never forget your birthday since it is a week after mine. I missed not getting a funny birthday card from you this year. I also missed not being able to pick one out for you. But I will be thinking about you all day today. Many of your phriends will be celebrating for you with drinks and some of your favorite foods. I promise I won't eat fish tonight. lol If I can find Oreo Cakesters, I will get some just so I can have one (or more) in your honor. Maybe I'll even stick a candle in it! I miss you, HB, and I hope you know how much we all love and miss you. We can never forget what a dear phriend you were to so many of us. I will never forget how much our friendship meant to me.

Love ya, my phriend,
Your SC


Anonymous said…
Aww..just made me all teary eyed...yes we do miss Mason and I am so glad we have each other to get through this..I think the Mason's BD party in chat was many of us miss him so much..As we know he was looking down at us laughing and making some smart ass comment..LOL
Love ya...
hugs ::))

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