Coffee Anyone?
I grew up hating the taste of coffee. I ADORE the smell of it, and often find myself in the coffee section of the grocery aisle sniffing in deeply. But the taste? Yuck! Until recently. I have become a "coffee junkie" as K. called me the other day!! Now, the biggest reason I have been drinking coffee every single afternoon for the last, oh, month and a half, is because of K. However, in the last several months, I have tasted coffee again and haven't found it to be too bad. It made me realize that the only way I had tasted coffee was when my dad had it as a kid, and I think he had his black. I definitely cannot have it black!! But with a little flavored cream (and there are sooooo many out there!), I've been able to drink it, and like it a lot! I got the cute little 4 cup coffee maker above awhile ago from It's perfect for me, and for whoever has coffee with me (mostly K.)! Like I said, I use it pretty much every day. I try to drink mostly decaf,...