
The holidays are fast approaching, and I feel so prepared this year. It's nice to be basically done shopping, and halfway done wrapping gifts. I don't feel stressed out this year. Well ok, I'm a little stressed out, but it's not over holiday stuff! I wish I could be so ready for Christmas like this every year, but somehow I don't think it'll happen.

The heat issue with my house has been resolved, I guess. The new tenant hasn't said anything about freezing since last Wednesday, when my dad came over and played around with all the tubes and vents dealing with the heating system. We shut off a few vents in my apartment so more heat would push up the tubes into the apartment upstairs. I've also been keeping the heat high, around 69, so it'll be warmer. I also had to "let go" and not worry about the heating bill. There is nothing I can do about it, so I can't let it stress me out!

One of my best friends is coming home this week from Thursday until Sunday. She is bringing her son, my godson. She's also bringing the new boyfriend. I was really furious when I found out he was coming, too. But vented to several people, and now I also must "let go" of my anger. There is nothing I can do about it. There is nothing I can say to her to make her realize she shouldn't be with another person right now. She won't listen, so I won't bother. I will just enjoy seeing her, and her son, since it's been quite awhile since the last time I saw her. I can't be stressed about this either.

I do have a great de-stresser, and her name is Hailey. She brings me joy every time I see her, or even if I just hear her on the phone while talking to Mandy. I have felt love for children before, but not like this. I am just so crazy about her! I hope I still feel the same way when she is a teenager. Hopefully she won't be wild and crazy, or defiant. But we have a looooong way to go until then. lol

I will end this by asking for a prayer for my father. He is going through so many health issues right now, and I wish I could just take it all away for him. I just pray for strength and healing, that whatever he may face, he will not give up and not back down. I love him so very much.


Lippy said…
Kind of uncomfortable when someone springs a "surprise visitor" on us, but I think you've handled it well.

Yes, enjoy that youngster...who knows what the teenage years will bring, but it doesn't have to be a bad thing, right?

I will include your father in my prayers.


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