PH-related News of the Week

Last Tuesday, my parents and I made the trip to the Cleveland Clinic, so I could have my 6 minute walk and assess how I've been doing since I was last there in April 2006. My walk wasn't as good as the last time, and I knew it wouldn't be. I've been rather tired the past several months, and my exercise capacity hasn't been as good either. A few years ago, I was able to walk 2 miles on the treadmill, and nowadays, I'm lucky if I can go past a 1/2 mile. So I asked my PH doctor about Revatio, and he said I could try it. Yes, if you clicked on the link to see what Revatio is, you'd have noticed that it has the same ingredient as Viagra. Now after you stop snorting and thinking all sorts of silly thoughts, I will tell you that Viagra originally wasn't intended for the sole purpose it's being marketed for today. It was being tested for helping with heart-related issues. They just discovered a wonderfully "uplifting" side effect along the way that they figured would be a better seller than for heart issues. Anyway, Revatio was approved a year ago for PH patients, and so I'm happy to be able to try it. I hope it works! Because I really do like exercising, and I hate that I can't do it as well as I used to. I have to wait probably around a month before it gets approved through my insurance. And then I need to take the first dose in the PH specialist's office in Buffalo, just so they can monitor me and see if I have reactions within the first couple hours. So, here's hoping I won't!!

My other bit of PH news is that I started a website to raise money and awareness for PH. I have $1,000 goal, and so far, I have $150! I hope and pray every day for a cure for this awful disease, especially for the little children who have it. I truly would love it if they didn't have to spend their lifetime living with this like I did. Although they have way more options than I did as a kid, it is still alot for a kid to deal with. My website link is:

If you would like to donate, please do so!! I don't care how much, every little bit helps. Please also feel free to pass this link to anyone who would love to support this cause, too. I hope to be able to raise this money for a cure!


Good Luck!


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