Spring Has Sprung!

Well, spring is officially here, and it sure feels like it! Yesterday wasn't too bad of a day, it was a little rainy in the afternoon, but the sun was out in the morning. And it ended up being in the 50s. Today isn't so bad temp-wise, but it sure has been a very rainy day! And very windy! I went out to mail an ebay item, and I was so happy to have my hair in a ponytail. It was nice to get a little fresh air though!

I felt pretty good this morning, and I was all ready to exercise. I put on my sneakers, cranked up the oxygen, and began. I put my hands in my pockets (I usually do this while walking), and lo and behold discovered that I hadn't taken my Tracleer!! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPSSSS!! Needless to say, I didn't walk very far, and I was kinda tired doing it. I was a little bummed out! I can't believe I didn't take it, I got sidetracked pouring myself a bowl of cereal this morning and forgot. :-(

So because I was tired from exercising, and then getting dressed and going out in the wind to the post office, I got back home feeling pretty tired. Instead of going to lay down though, I wrote in my little notebook I started to keep track of how I feel every day, and then I worked on part of a lampshade. Now I am eating lunch, and I think after that I need to take a nap!


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