Happy Easter! Or Merry Christmas??

It's very hard to believe that tomorrow is Easter. In the past several days, it has felt more like the last days before the Christmas holiday. The temps are hardly making it into the 30s, and it's been snowing! I've gone back to wearing long underwear, for goodness sake!! I sure hope this weather goes away soon, it's a little depressing!

I went to a re-enactment of the Stations of the Cross at my church last night with my mom. It was done by Franciscan Mystery Players, and it was something I've never experienced before. It was so moving! The players were teenagers. They had very loud instramental music playing, and then 2 speakers who went through the meanings of the stations the teens were re-enacting. I didn't think I'd get as emotional as I did, but my eyes wouldn't stop watering and welling up, and just listening to the words from the speakers was very enlightening. I truly was glad I got to go, and if they come again next year, I will try going again!

I worked on lamps tonight, I got 3 done. So I have a total of 4 finished, and I need to make 3 more. They are for a bridal shower in May, but I just want to get them done! I keep getting necklace and lamp ideas that I'd like to do lately, I just need to make a much bigger effort of actually doing them. lol I don't know what it is with me, I could have worked on stuff all winter, but I just didn't want to. Hopefully I'll start doing more stuff now!

I have an Ebay store with my jewelry and lamps currently, but I think next week I'm going to get rid of it. A PHriend told me of a website her daughter uses all the time, www.etsy.com. It's a site that sells handmade items, everything from jewelry to afghans to candles. And the fees would be so much cheaper than Ebay!! So I'm definitely going to create a store next week, and see if I can sell anything that way. I sure hope so!

Well I guess I'm off to bed soon. Hope everyone out there has a Happy Easter!! :)


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