Busy Busy

It's been hectic here the past couple weeks, at least it's felt that way. I was trying to get things all planned and squared away for my PH support group meeting (which was today, more on that in a bit). Then on Thursday and Friday last week, I was hit with a really nasty stomach flu, and it really threw me for a loop. I spent all this week trying to get more energy, resting quite a bit, and sleeping often. But although I got my appetite back, my energy level hasn't been the same. No matter how much sleep or resting I do, I just seem exhausted most of the time. I'm thinking it has to do with several factors: still recovering from stomach flu, the weather, stress from planning the support group meeting (which, ironically, was all about stress! lol), female bs, and probably some other things I can't even think about now. I'm hoping that since the meeting is out of the way, and one other major issue I've been stressing about has been resolved, maybe I'll start getting back to my old self! I sure hope so, because I just can't take the exhaustion any longer.

So anyway, the meeting was a great success! I had 17 people there, which is really a large group. Eight of the people, including myself, were PH patients. We had lunch first, which was so yummy! And there was so much of it leftover, that my mom took it home and fed us all for dinner. lol After lunch, I let everyone chat for a little longer, and then we moved into the auditorium to discuss stress. There was a whiteboard there, so I wrote down Reasons for Stress on one side, and then Stress-relief Ideas on another. We talked about that for awhile, and then I read about the physiological aspects of stress...what happens to your body when you go through it. I could almost feel the signs of stress as I was reading what they were on the paper. lol Then Jacqueline (from Accredo Therapeutics) did a couple breathing exercises with us that were very relaxing. After all the discussion on stress, we turned to some other PH-related topics, and it was just a great conversation with everyone. Someone brought up fundraising, which I would love to do, except that I haven't gotten a steady large group of people to come to meetings. So it's very hard to do a fundraiser, and I sure as hell wouldn't plan one by myself! Talk about needing another lecture on stress right there! LOL I would like another meeting in July, so maybe I'll have the topic as fundraiser ideas. I know there were several at the meeting today who are interested in helping with something!

Last night, I went to see Wanda Sykes at Niagara University. She was so funny! We had awesome seats, since we got there so early before the doors opened. We sat in the 2nd row in the center! She is just cute in person, I've always liked her. Her standup wasn't too horribly raunchy like some comedians can be. So it was an enjoyable evening! It was nice, too, because it didn't end all that late, and I got home at a decent time so I could still go to bed early if I wanted. Which, I pretty much did. (See the exhaustion bit above lol)

I'm going to see Spamalot with my sistores (except Lisa) next Saturday afternoon. I am sooooo excited!! Monty Python & The Holy Grail is one of our all-time favorite movies, and even though Spamalot isn't a re-enactment of the movie, we do know the movie by heart to probably know what's going on in the play. I'm just so glad I get to share this with my sistores, since we really don't get to do things like this together much anymore. So I'm really looking forward to a great afternoon with them, and to a great play!

Well, my bed is calling me, so I better go. lol Til next time!


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