Tired Of Being Tired!

I just haven't felt peppy lately, and it's driving me nuts. I was too tired earlier today, and I hadn't done anything! While in PH chat, though, I wasn't the only one who was dragging, so I guess that's good. I layed down for a nap around 3:30, and slept for an hour. It did help some, but I'm going to bed in a bit. I'm trying my best to do things around the house during the day, but I just get so tired, that I end up just taking a nap for a little while. I'm hoping this changes soon!

My weekend was alright. I went to Mandy's with Joan, and played with my niece for awhile. I was tired when I got home, but didn't really nap. I just relaxed and watched a movie in the evening, and enjoyed my nice used couch!! It's sooo comfy! Sunday, I went to church, and had my parents over for lunch. I made homemade chicken and barley soup on Saturday night, so I had plenty to share! I worked on a necklace later on, and then had to lay down. It's a never-ending story!!

I think tomorrow I'm calling my gyn. I'm having major issues, and I don't know what's going on. I'm thinking this is part of the reason I'm sooo exhausted. It's higly irritating, I tell you that much!!

Well, the bed is calling me! I'm off to la-la land!!


Jen said…
Sorry you are feeling so tired...yea let us know what happens at the doc.Hey, just listen to some Bon Jovi, LOL. He will make you feel better.
Take care Girl,

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