Baby Steps

Every day I seem to feel a tiny itsy bitsy better in the pain I've been feeling since Euan died. Very miniscule steps make me feel not so sad, although it's going to be a very long time until I'm just ok with it. There still isn't a moment I don't think about him, and I still have my crying spells, but it's not as bas as in the beginning. I almost feel guilty about it, but he would be proud of me. He'd want me to keep living, to keep helping others, to keep making jewelry, to just keep being me. So because of that, I try my best.

This weekend is a busy one. I went to a baby shower today that was rather entertaining. Kat's brothers, Joey and Phil, put on the shower for her, and it was a small gathering of friends. I went with Mandy and Joan. We got there, and as soon as we walked in the door, I could hear dance music. That's Joey's doing! I was thinking, whoo hoo! We said hi to Kat, and she took us to see the baby's room. It was beautiful, lovely colors, a beautiful crib, and all sorts of decorative things adorning the room. Her theme was Where The Wild Things Are, but all I could see representing that theme was a gorgeous blanket with the wild things dancing with Max. We went back downstairs after chatting for awhile, had some drinks, talked with some others, and then played a game. Joey had made a sheet of questions, some of them very hard, and after we all handed them back and he corrected them, 4 people were tied, including myself! So, he took a jar of candy on Kat's table, and the 4 of us had to guess how many were in the jar. I stared at it for a few seconds when it was my turn to guess, and I said 54. He went to count the candy pieces, and came back and said the number was 55. Yay, I won!! I got a basket that Joey said represented the young at heart, with a Scooby Doo DVD, a Cars-themed Bingo and Tic Tac Toe game, and boxes of candy. Mmmmmm!

We all ate some really good food and chatted a bit more before Kat opened up her gifts. Mine was last, and she kept wanting to know what the black fur stuff was that she saw peeking past the tissue paper. Well, she was so excited when she finally got to it because I had bought the Where The Wild Things Are book, along with a Max doll and one of the Wild Things dolls! She said they had been trying so hard to find the dolls, even on ebay, and she didn't have any luck. That made me so happy! I bought them back in January when I found them at Barnes & Noble on sale! She didn't have the book, either, so I was very glad that I got her that gift. :)

Kat finished opening her gifts, and then Joey had a surprise. Two of his friends came down the stairs in adult footy pajamas, and stripped down to the diapers they were wearing. LOL! We were like oh my gosh!! Joey said that since Kat didn't have a proper bachelorette with the strippers, that this was a combo. You have to know Joey to know that he's so crazy!! But funny! We were all cracking up, and the two guys zoomed back upstairs to get their clothes back on. I have to say I will never ever be at another baby shower like that. I think it's the best one ever!

I took a nap when I got home, which probably wasn't a good thing since I slept from about 6 to 7pm. I hope I won't be up all night. Tomorrow is a boutique night that Mandy and I will be participating in with our jewelry. It's not really at night, it's in the afternoon. I just hope it goes well, and we sell some stuff! I'm pretty much ready for it, but I'm going back now to see if I can whip up any quick bracelets. Break time is over!


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