Whoa, Craziness!

Well, Mandy and I did venture out tonight to see Black Swan. I left to pick her up around 6:45, and it was snowing quite a bit. AGAIN. By the time we got out of the movie, there was an inch or snow on my car, which Mandy brushed off for me. We went to Chili's afterward for dessert and margaritas, and when we got back outside, another inch was on the car. So I'd say within the past 2 days we almost have a foot of snow. I sure hope it's over with, but I'm thinking I'm not going to be right about that.

Black Swan was a good movie, but kinda crazy! Natalie Portman sure played crazy well. I think she'd deserve Best Actress for the Oscars tomorrow night. Not sure if the movie will get Best Movie, though. I think that honor should go to The King's Speech. But to be fair, I have only seen two of the films nominated for top Oscar awards, so maybe there's another movie that deserves it more. I have to say that I do recommend these two movies! They are drastically different themes, but are both carried out very well! And now, I'm off to bed!


CL said…
Hey Colleen. I carry an old broom in my car to swish off the snow when I am out. Works with little effort. It is the ice that is hard work. Glad you got out.

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