Celebrating Your Special Day

I got my first birthday card today, even though it's not until the 17th. It came from the place I had asked to help me with payments for my Medicaid spenddown, and I was surprised to get it. It was a very nice card, and I just wanted to share what it says on the inside:

The Wonderful Thing
About Your Birthday

Is celebrating footprints from afar
the magical miles of memories
that has made you who you are.
Steps that at times seem faded
and sometimes full of fear
your birthday is a reminder
that you did persevere.
So as you celebrate your life
reflect upon it with a smile
because the path that created you
was worth every single mile.
Gifts that can't be sent
for they will be with you all year long
as you make your next footprint.

I admit that I got a little teary eyed reading the card, because the words ring so true. While some people hate the fact they are gaining years and getting older, I relish it. My parents were told they didn't know how long I might live, so I thank God for every year I get, whether it's one of the best years ever, or one full of difficult obstacles I must overcome. I am so glad to be celebrating another year very soon!! And I always pray for so many more!!


Anonymous said…
That was a very nice card, yep, another year will soon be here for you. I am so happy you are a friend. I am wishing ya many many more wonderful years. That did create a few tears for me too. I know I am happy with each new day and each new year! I hope it is not too cool yet for ya..stay warm...Love ya...Hugs :)
Janie said…
Each day is another day and another adventure in life for whatever it is. Sometimes the going is rough, even for people who do all the right things. Trying to make ends meet is not an easy task. My wish for you is each year will be better and better, and healthier...

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