Getting Prepared

Christmas is 4 days away, and it's hard to believe! I am pretty much set gift-wise. I've wrapped everything except for K's gift, which is in a huge box. My wrapping paper won't cover it at all! I was going to buy some more, but my mom said she'd bring some over later. Once the box is wrapped, I'm definitely done!

My sister, Lisa, is going to make her way home from NC tomorrow. They are driving, so they'll travel to PA to where my aunt lives and spend the night before finishing their trip on Friday. There's no way they could make that trip a full day with an almost 3yr old! I'm so excited to see them! They will actually be here to celebrate Christmas ON CHRISTMAS!! Usually they would come the day after, but this year, they'll be here earlier. My family will be going to Mandy's house for dinner and opening gifts. I'm looking forward to it so much! I'm crossing my fingers that K will be able to come for dessert. It would be nice if he could, but he spends time with his family, too, so I understand if he can't!

I'm supposed to be making some cookies today with my mom. I'm not sure what she's doing since she isn't here yet. lol I'm going to make peanut butter cup cookies, and pecan turtle bars. They both sounded yummy! I had to unwrap all the Reese's peanut butter mini cups and put them in the fridge, and let me tell you how hard it was not to eat any of them!! The recipe calls for 40 mini cups, and I bought a bag with exactly 40 in them. Absolutely no room for snitching, darn it all!! lol

I think the only thing that is NOT ready for Christmas is the weather. Today is rainy and 50 out. 50!! For Niagara Falls this time of year, that is just nuts!! Don't get me wrong, I actually don't mind that it's not freezing out, but I would like a white Christmas. I'm just not sure that's going to happen! If we do get any snow, it'll probably only be a couple inches. But I guess I'll take whatever comes!


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