Last Tuesday, my parents and I made the trip to the Cleveland Clinic , so I could have my 6 minute walk and assess how I've been doing since I was last there in April 2006. My walk wasn't as good as the last time, and I knew it wouldn't be. I've been rather tired the past several months, and my exercise capacity hasn't been as good either. A few years ago, I was able to walk 2 miles on the treadmill, and nowadays, I'm lucky if I can go past a 1/2 mile. So I asked my PH doctor about Revatio , and he said I could try it. Yes, if you clicked on the link to see what Revatio is, you'd have noticed that it has the same ingredient as Viagra . Now after you stop snorting and thinking all sorts of silly thoughts, I will tell you that Viagra originally wasn't intended for the sole purpose it's being marketed for today. It was being tested for helping with heart-related issues. They just discovered a wonderfully "uplifting" side effect along the way ...
Yes, Spring is right around the corner...
Happy St Paddys Day!!!
Hope to see you in chat later tonite...
Take care and have a wonderful week!!