Saturday Stuff

Today wasn't too bad. I've been feeling a bit off lately, and I didn't think I'd get much done today, but I was happy that I did. Not that it was a ton of stuff, but it was stuff that I've been wanting to do! I did the few dishes I had so that I could clean all the fish containers. Their water levels were getting drastically low. I was afraid they'd jump out and take up residence somewhere else. lol Considering they are betta fish, I have 7 separate containers, one for each of them. They can't live together, well the males can't. They would fight each other! Although, I do have a female betta, one of 2 I had gotten from my friend. The females can be with each other, but when I had both in the same container, they were pretty nasty. I had to put them in separate containers, and then one committed suicide the next day. I hate when they do that!! Anywho, all the fishies got clean homes, which took about 40 minutes. Not too bad!

After that, I decided to relax in the bedroom and write out recipes on recipe cards to put in really nice bamboo recipe box I got from my sister, Lisa, for Christmas. I have been wanting to get rid of my cookbooks since they are taking up room! So I finished writing recipes from some of the printed out ones I had from the computer, and then I copied some recipes from one of the cookbooks. Now I just have a couple more to go, and I can get the books off the shelf! It was a relaxing thing I worked on today, which I kinda needed, too.

The weather here is still winter-like, but I think the next couple days will be a smidgen more spring-like. Monday will especially be more like spring! I think I will get out that day if I feel alright, since I need to go to the credit union, and I need a refill at the drug store. I just wish the spring-like weather will be more of a regular basis thing soon, but winter still isn't officially over for another couple weeks anyway!

Guess it's time for bed. Or at least reading, and then bed. Hopefully tomorrow will be an ok day, too!


That is a good idea...writing recipes from books on cards and putting them into a box. I mean, I have a recipe box...but they are family recipes...I hate clutter, so maybe I wll go through my cookbooks and just write the ones I like...I am sure the weather will get warmer soon...Spring is right around the corner.

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