I got this survey from Mortimer, hope he doesn't mind that I stole it!! hehe

1. Picked flowers from someone else's lawn? I'm sure I did this when I was little, but not recently! Actually, I did steal flowers off the next door neighbor's tree a couple years ago. Mandy made pretty frames with them, they are now in my living room.

2. Cheated on a bf/gf? My friends tell me I didn't, but I still think I did. If it were different circumstances back then, I wouldn't have done what I did.

5. Overheard someone having a conversation with themselves? Oh yes, all the time. That would be my mom. lol

6. Sniffed a permanent marker to get a mini-high? Not to get high, there are times when I like the smell. lol

7. Doubted your sexuality? Nope.

8. Written on bathroom walls? I've written on a couple doors in high school, but it was most likely to correct the English.

9. Stapled your finger? Not that I can remember!

11. Cut your own hair? I remember cutting my hair when I was little, but I also remember cutting my eyelashes. Oooops

12. Been to Disney World? Nope!

13. Return something you already wore? I haven't done that, I feel too guilty.

14 .Climbed a pile of boulders so that you could say "im king of the world?" Umm, no.

15. Thrown up on a roller coaster? I've never been allowed on roller coasters. But watching some of them could make me throw up.

16. Danced in your underwear? Oh I sure have!

17. Danced in your underwear in front of others? Does dancing in your underwear in front of your cat count?

18. Had successful long distance relationship? Nope.

19. Taped a "kick me" sign to someone's back? That is just cruel, no!

20. Ignored the 10 sec rule and ate something off the ground? I have if it's my own house or a relative's house. Not in a restaurant or anything though. I just check for fur when I'm at my house. lol

21. Gotten your tongue stuck to something cold? Not really, not that it's been stuck. My tongue has stuck to ice cubes before, but not for a long time.

22. Been to a fortune teller? No, I'm kind of afraid and skeptic about them.

23 .Believed a fortune teller? See 22.

24. Burnt stuff cause you were bored? Yes, I have. Nothing big though.

25. Stuck gum under a table? I do remember sticking gum under the table a few times, in high school and in college. I don't know why either, I know it's disgusting!

26. Had the same dream more then twice? I've had several more than once, and some of them have been horrible nightmares.

27. Talked to yourself on AIM? Yes, to see what some of the Superbuddies say when I try them out.

28.Gone to the hospital for an injury you got from fireworks? Can't say that I have.

29. Made a truck driver honk? Yes! And I still do sometimes, just for kicks!

30. Seen a UFO? I don't think I have! I could be wrong, though, and I've probably been stared at by little aliens. lol


This was fun - I think I'll have to steal it from you. Esp. since I haven't made it over to Mort's place yet to steal it from him - bwahhahhaha!

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