AOLHell, Who??

Sunday afternoon, I signed up for Netzero. While I'm still getting used to it, I am so glad that I am finally making a change from AOL. I haven't cancelled AOL yet, but I am planning on doing it very soon! I wanted to make sure everything was ok on Netzero, and learn how it worked before I can the other program. And so far, I don't think it's too bad. All Netzero does is get you online. At a much cheaper price than AOL. So far, my computer hasn't crashed. I haven't been booted. I am getting to all the websites I used to frequent much easier than I had before. Change is goooood. lol

I find it sad that when I do want to check my AOL mail, I can't reply to anything on I don't understand why!! So I just read the email, and if I have to respond to someone, I use my netzero email addy. Hopefully people will stop emailing me at AOL! I did send out a massive email to friends and family that I switched over. So hopefully soon most of them will use that address.

So good bye, AOL! It's been fun! Well, not really!!! LOL


I'll be interested to hear more updates on NetZero. I'm even more seriously thinking of ditching AOL. Now they're going to start making us pay for Club Pogo games. Umm...remind me, just WHAT ARE we paying for!?! Oh yeah, and now my computer has no antivirus because there's is junk and not working! Sorry for the rant - it just came out lol

good for you..... change is in the air:):):)

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