Some New Stuff!

Yesterday I went to Fashion Bug with Joan, and despite the fact I had no money, I bought (more like swiped my card) two cute skirts for the summer. Now, I can't tell you how long it's been since I've bought myself anything. Of course, I buy my household stuff, vitamins I need, toiletries, etc. But come on, how fun is that?? I hardly ever buy myself things, like clothes. I've been getting "new" clothes from one of my friends husband's cousin the past couple years, because she basically is around my size. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind at all getting clothes someone else isn't going to wear anymore!! But anyway, I got these skirts, and despite the cost, I have a feeling I'll be wearing them alot during the summer. So I guess it's a purchase that won't go to waste!

Today, I bought sneakers. To be quite honest, this has been a necessity for a very long time, but I didn't have the money for it either. I had no money for it today (another swiped purchase), but with the condition of my right foot, I seriously had to get something new. I wasn't sure how they'd fit, since I wore flip flops to the store, and I didn't have my inserts. I've had these strong plastic inserts for shoes ever since I was like 12 or 13. I've always had bunions, and the inserts were supposed to help them not grow so much while I was still in some growing years. Well, I've never given them up! I wear them in my shoes and boots all the time. In the summertime, I wear my sandals or other open-toed shoes. The funny thing is, I wear a size 6 in sandals, and I have to buy a size 7 shoe to fit my inserts. I wish I could buy 6's all the time! So anyway, I bought the sneakers, came home and tried them on with my socks and inserts, and they feel so much more comfortable than my shoddy old sneakers. My foot still hurts, but at least now I have new sneakers to see if they will help eventually!

My friend bought jewelry from me today for a basket auction next week for the high school. I donated some of it to her, especially bracelets that I don't seem to be selling at all. She said there are about 100 baskets, so I'll be going to it with my mom and Joan. It should be fun, I haven't gone to one in years!

Well I am going to make yet another necklace, and maybe rest up for tonight. My friend, Dee, is having people over for her birthday, which was Thursday. I'm bringing jewelry over, too, so it'll be a fun night! I think wine is also going to be involved, YUM! I'll have a few sips or two! haha


Anonymous said…
Wine...Sounds like fun:))
Wow..summer skirts...not too short I hope,,LOL..Jk
Glad you were able to get a few new things for yourself..That is always fun..Swiping or not..LOL
Love and hugs,

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