A Bit Of Really Good News!!

While we were waiting for church to start this morning, my dad asked me if my mom told me about his bloodwork results. I said no. So he said to me, "I'm officially a cancer survivor." I was so happy, I had a couple tears in my eyes!! I told him that was such great news! He goes back to Roswell on Tuesday to have a checkup with the doctor there, but there should be good news. It's just such a relief to me that my dad decided to have the surgery done back in October, and that he's done really well since then. Thank goodness!!!


Annette said…
Excellent, excellent news my phriend!
Annette said…
Excellent, excellent news my phriend!
Anonymous said…
Wonderful news!!!
Give your Dad a hug for me...
I am so happy for you all:)
What a way to start off a fresh new week...
Love and hugs,

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