Some Thoughts!

First off, I put a new playlist on my blog. I don't think alot of people will like the music, so I don't have the songs starting automatically. Just hit play on the playlist if you're brave enough to see what I picked! LOL They are songs I've heard on the radio lately that I really like. Most of them are dance!

I had a fantastic day yesterday! The weather was gorgeous, so I was out in it for most of the afternoon! I had to get drugs, so after I left the pharmacy, I went to visit Grandpa in the cemetary. My Grandpa died in 1994, and I go often to the cemetary to "talk" to him. I miss him alot, even after all this time. After that, I went to see if my Dad was still at his shop, which he was! He put the clamp he got on my muffler, although I think my muffler is going to need a replacement shortly. I left his shop after awhile and stopped by my parents' house, and my mom offered me lunch. It was a yummy sandwich! After that I went back home and repotted my last 2 spider plants in my kitchen. I did that in my front yard. I finally was tired enough to go lay down, but minutes after, one of my friends called me. I stared at the phone wondering if I should get it, because she sure can talk your ear off! I did anyway, and ended up being on the phone for an hour and a half! lol After that I said forget the nap, and called another friend, Dee. We decided to go out to eat, and that was a good time! We came back here and hung out for a bit, before she decided to leave. So it was a great day! Not to mention that I still even exercised before doing all that!

Of course, I finally settled down to read the message boards last night, and they are chaos again. What a way to ruin my great day. I didn't even read half of it. I have decided to stay off the boards for awhile. I have seen rifts on the board throughout the last 5 years, but this is just the worst I've seen it. No one can seem to let go. So the only time I'll be posting for a few weeks is for my Tuesday afternoon chats, which I don't even feel like doing either. But I will! Hopefully things will have calmed down by the time I decide to go back, but we'll see.

I'm going to a birthday party for 2yr old twins this afternoon. I hope they have alcohol for the adults. LOL! I am kidding, it should be fun! The twins are Mandy's friend's kids, and we haven't even seen them yet since they were born. There are going to be so many little ones there! I am following Mandy in her car, since I can't squeeze in between the car seats in her car. lol So if I see there are alot of sick kids, at least I can leave!

Well I am going to get my exercise in since I go to church at 11am on Sundays, the usual time I walk during the week. Then I will relax before the party!!


It is risiculous how people are still keeping that topic alive...people think they are doing a favor to everyone by starting threads on being kind and all that...but, they do not want to let it go either...and it can be just as harmful. I think it is good to express opinions and thoughts about things...but there is a time to stop rehashing the same old thing...after a week I think it is long enough. Give yourself a week and it should be forgotten...I am sure the administration will delete it all tomorrow anyway.
Annette said…
Hello sweetie! I agree about the whole issue with the boards. It is so very, very upsetting! I really worry about the new people coming for help and support and all they find is a bunch of crap! Sorry.
Let's switch the topic...I'm so glad that you had such a fabulous day!! I'm so very glad that you are blogging. You need to go back and read some of your older blogs when you were struggling with the pneumonia and the after-affects. It's so nice to hear the smile in your voice again!
Anonymous said…
I love the music..It makes me want to got to the clubs and dance..
I am glad you had such a great day, sounds tiring...
As far as the boards, I agree I am also staying away a few days...
Take care
Hugs and love,

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