Not My Fault

On Monday, I got a call from my friend's aunt about my food stamp case, because I had asked her if she could provide some information about something since my food stamp caseworker hasn't bothered to get back to me at all. V. told me the information I wanted to know about, but she also gave me some disturbing news: my case had been incorrectly coded, and I've been getting too much in food stamps. WHAT??? Apparently someone put me down as having SSI, not SSD. I'm supposed to be getting $131 a month, not $152. She felt so bad about it, but she had no choice but to report it to her supervisor. I didn't expect her not to say anything, that is her job. At least SOMEONE is doing their job, not my caseworker! I'm not even sure how far back this goes. I've been on food stamps for at least 9 years. I remember when I very reluctantly applied for them, and there are times I still feel guilty about getting them. But, I wouldn't be eating if I didn't have them! Anyway, V. told me they wouldn't send me a bill for the food stamps I've been overpaid, but most likely, they'll take maybe $10 off of what I'm supposed to get a month to make up for how much I owe back. Yes, it seems absolutely ridiculous that I would have to pay them back for something that wasn't my fault, but that just isn't how the state works. I'm expecting a letter any day now saying things are going to be adjusted and what to expect. I know I can fight it and get a hearing if I don't agree. I have to see how all of that works, but this is just not something I wanted to worry about!!


Janie said…
Try not to worry about it. Truly do not feel guilty for something you need. Maybe they will go light on you in this situation. Wait, and see, tomorrow is another day...
Teddybear said…
Colleen I know exactly how you feel, the same thing happened to me but in my SSI checks. In 1 year they over paid me by 780.00.

Their error but I also have to pay it back - or should I say they are taking out the money every month 10.00 until it is paid off.

I have 4 more yrs to go before it is paid off. I tried fighting but it didn't work.

I will keep your situation in my prayers as you need to eat.
Anonymous said…
Wow, This is crazy, and not your fault! This is their own mistake and once again if someone was doing their job, they would have never made thois mistake. Sorry this happened to you...hoping you can get by with the decrease, let me know if I can help ya in any way. Love ya lots...

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