An Inspiring Story

Last night, I watched a Netflix movie on my laptop. It was a documentary about a woman who adopted 11 special needs children, and a year of their life. The name of it was "My Flesh and Blood." Now when I read the description of what the movie was about, I had no idea the challenges these children faced. I at least thought perhaps there would be a child with Downs, which there was one. But other children included a girl who was severely burned in her crib as a baby; two children diagnosed with epidermolysis bullosa, or EP, an autoimmune type of disease where the skin doesn't have collagen that makes it stay on the body (the best way I can try to describe it), one of who had passed before the filming of the documentary; a child with cystic fibrosis, or CF, who also had severe behavioral issues; 2 Russian girls who were born without legs; and several others. The mother, though, had to be the most loving person I've seen to want to adopt these children by herself. She had had two children of her own with her husband, but shortly after they adopted an Asian child, her husband had left her. At some point, the agency where they adopted the Asian girl called Susan and asked if she'd be interested in adopting another child with special needs. She did, and kept adding children until she got up to 11. I was just in awe of Susan, and the ginormous heart she had for these kids. The documentary was very touching, and also sad, as you saw how the children tried to deal with living challenged lives. I really would recommend this film to anyone. It's just so incredibly touching, and I know for sure that Susan most definitely has been blessed with a very loving spirit!!


sunshine said…
Sounds like a must watch film, as it makes appreciate the best of human qualities and strike to be a better person and no take for granted all the daily blessing in our lives.

Since you are on this NetFlix phase, have you seen the movie "Temple Grandin", about the lady with autism. It is really good as well, if you haven't seen it, it's a great choice!

Have a wonderful day!!!

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