Types of PH

There are a few types of PAH (pulmonary arterial hypertension):

Idiopathic PAH: The cause of PAH cannot be found.

Heritable PAH: Formerly known as familial or genetic PAH, this type can be inherited, and is relatively uncommon.

Associated PAH: PAH is associated with another disease or condition, such as connective tissue disease, congenital heart disease, chronic liver disease, HIV, drugs and toxins, and more.

CTEPH (chronic thromboembolic PH): PAH is a result of blood clots in the lungs. CTEPH is the only type of PAH that can POSSIBLY be cured by a surgery called pulmonary thromboendarterectomy (PTE), which removes the blood clots from the lungs.

My PAH is a result of congenital heart disease, so I am in the Associated PAH category. I was diagnosed with atrioventricular canal, which is a fancy way of saying I have 2 holes in my heart. Yippee!! The holes have never been repaired, so I've been living with both for 37 years (so far!).


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