Complete Ignorance

I was just reading an article about a 24yr old lawyer who decided to decline a job offer through email. The supposed-employer emailed her back his disappointment, which led to another email from her, another from him, and finally a rather childish email from her saying "blah blah blah."

While this doesn't make me mad (I feel bad for her, actually, how stupid can you be??), what makes me mad is a comment later on in the article referring to email gaffes. It gives several examples of stupidity in what was said in emails by "high officials." One of them was from the executive of the drug company that made the banned weight-loss treatment Phen-Fen e-mailing, "Do I have to look forward to spending my waning years writing checks to fat people worried about a silly lung problem?"

While the average person reading the article probably doesn't have a clue what that "silly lung problem" is, I do. That "silly lung problem" is pulmonary hypertension. That "silly lung problem" has caused grief to so many people, not even including those people who took Phen Fen for years. That "silly lung problem" is a death sentence to those who are not diagnosed, or diagnosed at an extremely late stage. I am so outraged at the ignorance of this man, who has no idea what this drug has done to many of the people who took it to try to lose weight. Not only are these people now dealing with this "silly lung problem," but many of them have been ridiculed and belittled by doctors who only think their "silly lung problem" is because they are overweight. Yes, I said doctors. There are quite a few people with PH who got the run around from doctors for years before they were officially diagnosed, being told "Oh just lose a couple pounds, you'll be fine." How insensitive can you get??

Ugh, I am just so mad and aggravated right at this moment, from comments made from an idiot, probably several years ago. The only thing that gives me any sort of comfort or happiness is the fact that thousands of people have sued the makers of Phen Fen because of the myriad of problems it has caused, including that "silly lung problem." And they are winning!!


A "silly" lung problem? I wonder if the shoe were on the other foot what he'd have to say about it?
BosieLadie said…
Insensitive docs!

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