I've been realizing that I'm not posting too much lately. I must be in a blogging funk, I don't know. Oh well, I'm blogging now!

A lot has happened lately. I finally got my Medicare D crap figured out, only after 8 days of stressing, worrying, taking less of my medicine than I'm supposed to, and getting pissed. Tuesday my lung medicine was delivered, and I almost cried. I know, I'm so dramatic, but you don't know how scary it is to not get the medicine that has made a huge difference in your life because of some politician's assinine decisions. I'm not going to dwell on it now, because I think my blood pressure has been high enough this last week! I got my meds, and I am happy!

My father went for his first appointment with the urologist yesterday. They have scheduled him for biopsies on the 14th. Yes, Valentine's Day. I am praying everything will go well, and that he still won't need surgery or anything. Although I do believe that he will. One step at a time to worry about, though.

I got a tutoring job for a little kindergarten boy, whose mom is freaking out because she believes he needs a lot more help. I hope that I can do something for him! He needs to know 25 sight words by the end of the year, and I guess he doesn't know many. He can't seem to count, although he understands time and money pretty well. Which is kinda backward for a kid his age. Kids at that age usually can count, but not really get time or money. Weird! I was supposed to start last night, but I really wasn't feeling well. So I'll try for next week!

I am hoping to see Euan on Sunday. We've made plans to hang out for the afternoon, but now I'm seeing that the weather might not be so good. Doesn't it figure, it was like 50 today, and supposed to be 45 tomorrow, and then the weather is going to get cold and snowy again. Especially on Sunday. UGH!! I just want to hang out with Euan, we haven't seen each other again since we met in December. This is rather frustrating! lol

I'm going out for coffee Saturday afternoon with my friends. It'll be nice, since we haven't done that in a while now! Then Saturday evening, a friend of mine that I used to work with is coming over to look at my jewelry. She had wanted to come to my jewelry party back in December, but wasn't able to make it. And she's wanted to come over since then, but didn't always have money. So she gets paid Friday, and wants to look at my stuff! Yay for me! lol

I guess that's it for now. I'm very tired, and I need to go to bed!! G'night! :)


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