Super Tuesday! Super Pissed Off!

I am a pretty laid back, easy going person. I don't get mad too much. But there are two things that can totally piss me off: (1) insisting that my faith isn't as good enough as the faith of another person's; (2) insisting that anyone I feel I want to vote for in any given election is the absolute wrong choice.

Being that today is Super Tuesday in a huge amount of states, my home state of NY being one of them, I was able to go out and vote for who I personally wanted to vote for. A couple people have made me feel like a shithead for voting for someone who I wanted. I thought this was a free country? I thought one of the greatest things about being an American was having the right to vote for whomever we see fit? If another person doesn't like who I am voting for, guess what??? Go friggin' vote for who YOU want to vote for, and don't make me feel like an asshole for making up MY own mind. That is why we have elections!!! So I am a little pissed off today, but I went out and voted for MY choice, and there is nothing that anyone can do about it!!


Anonymous said…
I totally agree with you..This is why we vote and we all have the choice!!!

Sorry you got so pissed off but I can see why...

Take care.
Sue "T" said…
I also totally agree with you on both counts. Nobody and I mean NOBODY has the right to tell or insinuate to another person that their faith is inadequate or that their choice and preference of candidates is wrong.
Honey,try to calm down, I know you are very upset, but remember, this is YOUR freedom of choice and nobody can do anything about it.
You are an adult and you can rightfully examine the candidates and vote for whoever you feel is the best choice in YOUR OPINION. It is none of anyone elses business sweetie.
Much love and hugs!!!!!
Wendy's Mom said…
My Dear you can vote for who ever or whatever you want to. It is YOUR choice and no one else's. No one has a right to say anything to you.
For that one reason you were talking about is the reason that I do not voice who I am going to vote for as far as candidates go. If anyone was to ask me I would not tell them. Heck John does not have a clue who I am going to vote for, and I really do not know who he is going to vote for either. We both have an idea but we never really discuss it. LOL!!

The only thing I do say is that I do not like Bush but Hello neither does 70% of Americans so that is not saying much. LOL! BTW, I do like His Mom and Dad as people not as politicians though. They really are sweet people! NO that does not mean I did or did not vote for them, just means they are nice people period.

Hang in there and do not let others upset you like this.
Kristi said…
I agree with you. I hate discussing politics and religion with others. I have felt very persicuted because of my religious faith. You go girl.

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