Half Crappy Sunday!

When I got up this morning, there were no signs of a headache anymore, but my stomach still didn't feel all that right. I had breakfast and got ready for church. My mom picked me up, and I found a place to sit while she parked. Church has been soooo packed since we merged with another parish. It's unreal how many people show up now! However, it's cold season. Not literally just cold, but people are sick all around me. I felt paranoid during mass. I only shook hands during peace with my mom and one other person. I keep forgetting to bring antibacterial sanitizer to use after peace!!! But not only that, people are hacking all around me and sneezing. Not everyone covers their noses or mouths, either. I feel like taking the fall/winter off from going to church. I never used to be this paranoid about it, but after having to stop going to church from December to almost April last year because I was recovering from pneumonia, the idea doesn't sound too far fetched!!

My mom dropped me off after church, and I played around online and chatted with Mason for awhile. I had a cup of tea, thinking maybe that would help my stomach. It didn't do too much. So I tried a spoonful of honey. Someone on the PH boards posted just a few days ago that it helps soothe upset stomachs, so I thought, couldn't hurt to try! And after awhile, I actually did feel a little better! I eventually tried to eat a little bit of a sandwich, and my stomach wasn't rebelling! Yay!!

My mom, Joan, Mandy, and Dee went to the movies this afternoon. We saw "The Secret Life of Bees." I thought it was a good movie, a tad bit dragged out near the end, but overall, it seemed to follow the book pretty closely. I read it over a year ago and really liked it! It was a nice time, and I'm glad we got to go. Of course, since I gave my mom a movie ticket (I had 2 free ones from my nice new neighbor who gave them to me for no reason!), she bought a huge thing of popcorn, and we all shared!! Mmmmmm!

I got home, and not even 10 minutes later, it started pouring! And hailing! And thundering! And the winds were even more brutal than they were before!! It was so weird! I guess we got home at the right time, thank goodness!!! No wonder my sinuses are insane, the weather is crazy!

I spent a good amount of the evening on the laptop, and I admit it was mostly shopping on ebay! Well, that and talking to Mason again! lol I got an email from a seller on ebay who I have bought many lovely beads from, and he was having free shipping on Buy It Now items for today only. OOOOOOOOOOOO!!! So I spent $22 on pretty beads, and a few other items!! And then, after I worked on part of another necklace for a bit, I was shopping for a couple more necklace displays that I definitely need for a jewelry party while in PH chat! And I bought 2 displays! So, I've got goodies coming in the mail this week! hehe!

Well, my tummy is feeling better than it was most of the weekend, thank goodness. So I am hoping this week I can do a bit more than I could the past two days!


Nancy said…
I don't usually see movies of the books that I enjoyed reading. I don't know if I will go to "The Secret Life of Bees" because that book was so good.

Glad to hear that you are feeling a bit better.

Boy, do I hear you about going to church during "cold season." I have started carrying a small bottle of sanitizer in my purse. Sometimes, I just wave at those next to me and tell them I have a cold.
Anonymous said…
Glad you are feeling some better..Hope you are even better today:))

Yes..that was an excellent movie..I enjoyed it...

Get you some sanitizer and maybe that will help..

Have a great week:))

Love & Hugs,
phtony said…
Hi Colleen,

Grats on feelin better - I empathize with the warm fuzzy you get when online shopping - I've done almost all of mine online for 3 years now - I looked at Ebay a few times but kinda got tired of checking each auction to see their shipping fee information - a lot of times you can bid & get a decent deal only to find out you're getting gouged on the shipping fees - glad to hear you got a good deal - on the church/cold thing: there's a time for faith & there's a time for prudence - take care of your body first so the lord won't have to later

see ya :-)

Anonymous said…
Ok..where are ya??It is now Thursday and no updates??LOL..(I am back)...Hope you are feeling better...

I was so excited to get your card..it arrived on my Bday:)))
Thx so much...You are a wonderful Phriend..Thx for all you do and I am blessed to have you as a PHriend.

BTW..you are also a great secret keeper..you knew about the bracelet??LOL

Take care ..hope to talk to ya soon...Thx again...

Love & Hugs,

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