Just A Few Words....

I'm getting ready to go to bed, but I thought I'd post that today was Mittens' birthday! Now, technically, I don't know if Oct. 2nd was his actual day of birth, but when I got him on Dec. 2nd 2000, he was 2 months old. Sooooo, I thought I'd pick Oct. 2nd as his birthday so I could remember it! lol Yes, he is 8 years old. My little man is growing up!! He had a good day. I gave him catnip this morning so he could get stoned while I went to rehab. LOL! He napped for the afternoon. He played while I was making bread. He napped again in the papasan chair. He got to sit in my nap a few times, and even tried to sit on the laptop! However, then he tried to bite me. And he got punished on his birthday!!! He was soooooo close to having a perfect day!!!

Well I'm pretty much packed and ready to go tomorrow for the weekend. I just have a few last minute things to throw into the luggage, and I'm good to go. I hope! I've been so tired the past few days, with the weather change. I am really hoping I'll be ok for the weekend. It's going to go by so fast, I'm sure, but I just hope I won't be a zombie when I get back home. Or even while I'm there. lol Oh well, I'm looking forward to it anyway!!


Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday to Mittens:))
Sorry it is late...

Did he get a special treat?/LOl

Try and enjoy the trip without overdoing it..Did you take your laptop??

Love & HUgs,

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