Wardrobe Change

Well today I spent quite some time changing over to my fall/winter wardrobe. I hate that! I'd rather be changing from winter to spring/summer. lol Obviously there's not much I can do about that, so I sucked it up and went through what I had and put everything away. I seriously need the hope chest that I STILL don't have (even though my mom wrote on my birthday card that they owe me one hope chest next week....."next week" was last week. lol) because I was stuffing sweaters and long sleeved shirts in the drawers, and I can only hope to get them open again! My winter stuff has always had a problem fitting in my dresser. If I could afford a new dresser, I still don't think that would help! But at least everything is out. I also put a LOT of summer stuff in the donation pile. I now have 3 bags of clothes to give away, and I need to do that soon. I'm sure someone could use my stuff.

I did exercise before the wardrobe exchange, and then the o2 guy came. I also packed my bag for the weekend with the outfits I needed, which weren't that many, and then got my pills ready to go. I also got blankets and stuff together. We are going to sleep in a house that my uncle rebuilt or built from scratch, I can't quite remember. So we are sleeping on cots and air mattresses. I'm not sure I'm going to like this, but not much we can do about it! There are going to be so many family in town, that sleeping at my Grandma's house wasn't an option. At least my mom told me the house has heat. Thank goodness, since the nights are going to in the mid to high 30s!! Yikes!!

I was so tired from everything I did that I took a 2 hour nap after lunch. And when I got up, I was just cold. I was supposed to go for coffee with a few friends, but I didn't end up going. I had my dinner, watched a couple shows, and then took a warm bath. Right now it's almost 11pm, and I am so ready for bed. That is waaaaaaaaaaaaay early for me, but I guess I need the rest! I sure hope I'm not coming down with anything!!!


Cathy said…
Hey Colleen,
Have you ever tried those bags that you put clothes in and suck the air out with a vacume? I have some and they do work... I forget the name of them though.
I don't know if you have a Target or Walmart but they have them there. Maybe its something you might consider for your summer clothes. And the good thing is that they do not take up alot of room!
Anonymous said…
Wow..I am jealous...I thought I was ready for a few fall clothes but here comes the humidity and heat again:((...

Take care...
Love & Hugs,

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