
My mom told me earlier today that she and my dad are probably going to go down to Lisa's for Thanksgiving next month. It took me a little by surprise. I think it's nice they want to go. My dad is probably agreeing to go now since the weather will hopefully not be so bad yet. After my mom told me they were probably going, I was waiting for her to ask if I'd like to go. But all she said was that maybe, if I'm willing, I could work for her for the 2 days she will be gone. She spends about 4 hours 3 days a week with an elderly lady during the week, and she basically doesn't do anything much with her. Well anyway, it was just assumed that I wouldn't go down there, too. And honestly, I am not even sure about going. It is so hard this time of year to make plans even a week ahead. Right now I feel like I'm battling a cold that hasn't quite decided to come out yet, and who knows how the heck I'd feel by the end of November. The traveling is also something I am just not sure about. It's a 14 hour trip by car. It was a very loooooong day when we drove down a few years ago for Lisa's wedding. I didn't do well with it. My dad wants to make the trip in one day, and it's just hard. And then there is the oxygen issue, which I know isn't too hard to deal with. I can set up oxygen down there, which I did before. I just hate that it's so hard for me to plan trips with PH. And part of me does kinda want to go, because when Lisa has the baby in February, that could be even worse travel weather, and more stressful to deal with getting down there. UGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH!!!! I'm just really irritated and frustrated at it all. I don't often complain too much about PH, but this is just one time that I truly wish I didn't have to deal with it!!!!


Wendy's Mom said…

I am so sorry that they did not invite you. I would be hurt and irritated too. I know that you want to see your sister but most of all want to spend time with your family at Thanksgiving. Maybe she will rethink things and invite you.
I have been hurt so many times by not being invited to go and do family things so I understand all to well. LOL!!

I know the problem with traveling. Just driving around for a couple of hours just wears me completely out. However, if you want to go then go! You can arrange oxygen, and you can take naps in the car. LOL!!

I really hope that they ask you to go. Maybe your sister will tell them to bring you if your Mom does not think about it.
Could you tell them you want to go? Or are you like me, and would just let them go, never say a word, and be upset and hurt for a long time. LOL!

Love ya,
Sheila and Wendy
Cathy said…
I am sorry you didnt get asked to go. I know exactly how you feel though. You want to go places and PH just sets you back. I hate PH also!
My husband wants to go back to Mexico in December. And wants me to go with him. But, the previous line infections is what is holding me back.
Darn it!!
You know I wish we all pher's could spend 1 thanksgiving or 1 X-mas together. Just one time maybe!
What a wish to dream for right?
OK, thats IT!! I going to go buy some superlotto, and WIN!!
((HUGS)) my phriend :)
Nancy said…
Boy, do I hear you and understand completely.

It is such a hassle to make all the arrangements for oxygen, etc., so by the time it is ready to leave, you are wiped out from the stress.

I think that is what I miss the most - spontaneity.
Anonymous said…
I am sorry..I know this disease sucks and it is at times like this when it really gets irritating..So much to do we cannot just jump in the car, thrown in a few outfits and go...

You NEVER complain so feel free anytime..I am just sorry that you have to deal with all this..

Take care and keep that cold away!!


Love ya,

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