Stuff. Stuff, and More Stuff

There have been many happenings....well..happening lately. At least it seems like it. Or maybe it's just because I haven't written in my journal in the past several days. Well anyhow, I went to a Hawaiian BBQ on Monday for Memorial Day. It was at my BIL's parents' house. It was quite nice, actually. While we were there, I talked to one of the women who will soon be officially part of the family (her son is marrying Mandy's SIL in a couple weeks, ewww). Anyhow, she owns a shop down in Lewiston. She sells fancy stuff, dresses and jewelry, and she is also a seamstress. Did I mention that she sells JEWELRY?? So, I went over to chat to her about her shop. As soon as I mentioned that I have been making jewelry, she cut me off and said "Oh, bring it in, I'll look at it!" Well, smart little me had already brought my stuff, so I went and got it from the car. She took 2 of my sets that she thought would go well with a purse and scarf she had, and asked how much I wanted for them. She is going to try selling them for me, and I hope she can!

I went down to her shop yesterday (with some of my stuff again), so I could see what she was selling, and what I could make for some of the dresses she had in the store. She showed me a gift shop that was attached to her store, and she asked if I'd want to sell my bracelets in the shop. I said it would be fine with me if it was ok with the lady who owned the shop!! So, I left her with my 36 bracelets that I had made. Whooo hooo!!! I certainly hope this is the beginning of a beautiful business partnership! LOL

Let's see, what else? Well, my Mandy is now off of work since last Friday. She looks like she wants to pull the baby out herself half the time. lol She is due any day now, and for some reason, I feel fiercely protective of her. I can't explain it. I guess it's because I want to be there when the baby is going to be born. No, not IN the room with her. Just at the hospital. And if she is going into labor when she is here, and her husband is at work, I want to be able to help get her to the hospital. Or if she goes into labor in the middle of the night, I want to go with them. I don't know what it is. Maybe it's my excitement about her having this baby. I just don't want to feel like I'm intruding! I'm just anxious, that must be it!!

Well ok, maybe that much stuff isn't going on with me. I thought I had more to write about, but apparently I'm on brain overload. So, this ends tonight's recap of my life right now. Have a good night!
And yes, I said good night, and I have a sunny picture with this journal. Doesn't seem to make sense, but's that ok. It doesn't have to.

Written by melonlady1724 . Link to this entry
This entry has 1 comments: (Add your own)
Congratulations on selling your jewelry. It bodes well that two businesses are willing to showcase your wares. Good luck. Comment from luvmort - 6/6/05 8:31 AM


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