A Week Of Nothing??

Hard to believe that I have nothing huge planned for this week. I've been so busy with people visiting, going to doctor appointments last week, seeing friends, etc, that having no plans feels weird. lol But at the same time, it's nice! I feel like my summer is just slipping away, and at a fast pace. And I don't like it!!

My cousin and aunt were in town this weekend, for my cousin's birthday (which was today). We saw them a few times while they were here, which was nice. This afternoon, we had a lunch at my parents' house for Ryhan, with pizza, watermelon, chicken wings, and ice cream cake. The cake was practically melted by the time we got to it! It was pretty funny. My mom had taken it out about half an hour before she thought we'd be eating it. It says on the box you could do that. However, I don't think she took into account the fact she just used the oven to cook the pizzas and wings, and it was hot in the kitchen! However, it was still tasty!

Friday night we went out to dinner, and Saturday, Joan and I went shopping with them at the mall after we saw my mom and nephew at Mandy's house. My mom was babysitting while Mandy and Ron took my niece to the amusement park for the day! Ryhan and Jane never met my nephew, and they just thought he was so adorable, and so little!! He was really shy with them at first, smiling through wary looks, but he eventually warmed up. They just got a kick out of seeing him!

Ryhan has a daycare, and I gave her a huge folder I've had since I had to quit teaching preschool. It was filled with bulletin board stuff, posters, and decorations for holidays and seasons. I am so glad I finally was able to give all that stuff to someone who could definitely use it! It made me a little sad that I parted with it, but I know I'll never use anything like that again. I do still have quite a bit of papers, patterns, and craft ideas that I could also get rid of, but I think I'll get to that eventually.

All in all, it was a nice weekend, spent with family, spent shopping, spent talking on the phone, and spent relaxing. Maybe my week will be like that, or maybe it won't! Guess I'll find out starting tomorrow!


Anonymous said…
Hi Colleen:))
Glad you had a nice weekend..looks like you needed it...Lots of things been happening with you in the last few weeks...Hope all is falling back in order..Congrats Auntie:)) Thats exciting. Sorry I have missed out lately but know I am here for you if you need to vent or just talk...

Just chill out this week..I know what you mean about the work stuff..I still have nursing stuff hoping one day I will use it...It is sad to part with all that but glad she could use it..Talk to you soon:))

Love and hugs,

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