Savings My Butt!!

Last summer, I had the unfortunate opportunity to get a visit from a representative of a group called US Energy Savings. The guy explained how the electric company's supply services constantly can go up, and if you signed up with US Energy Savings for 5 years, you are guaranteed to be locked into one price. So no matter what happens, if the electric company's supply goes through the roof, you still pay for the price you got locked into when signing up with them. So, I thought sure, why not. I signed up for it, and several months later wished I hadn't. You only had 30 days to cancel their service, but I forgot, and never did. If you tried cancelling earlier than the 5 year contract, you'd pay a big fee. So I felt stuck at 11 cents a kilowatt, which was the rate I was locked into after signing up.

In June, I received a letter from them. They said that after I signed up, they neglected to send me my welcome information. So, because of their error, I was given 30 days from the date of the letter to cancel without penalty. THANK THE LORD!!!!! After going on National Grid's website and looking up their service rates for the entire year, I realized that the highest their rate ever got to was 9 cents. NINE CENTS. And here I've been locked into 11 cents all this time!! What savings was that????? I immediately called, and tried to be nice to the woman I was telling to cancel my account. She didn't quite believe me that their outrageous plan to keep people locked into a price was just stupid. Anyway, she finally listened to my third request to cancel my account, and said that it would come off within 2 or 3 billing cycles. Ugh, fine!

Two weeks after cancelling, another US Energy Savings representative came to my front door. First of all, this guy looked like he didn't give two hoots about his job. He referred to his clipboard as he was talking to me, only looking directly at me when he asked to see my electric bill. Here was the exchange:

IR (Irritating rep): Ma'am, I need to see your electric bill so I can see if we can sign you up for big savings with our program.

Me: I just cancelled my account with you guys.

IR: (with a slow appalled glance at me, not the damn clipboard) You did?

Me: (I couldn't take this guy anymore, so I was completely rude) Yes, I did. You guys didn't save me anything and cost me a lot of money I didn't have.

IR: (referring to clipboard) Well our program is meant to help save.....

*he gets completely cut off by me in an even nastier tone*

Me: Sir, you don't have to keep talking because I am still not going to sign up again for this program.

IR: (after glaring at me) I wasn't going to do that ma'am. Have a great day.

Me: I turned around and shut the door.

I did get my July bill, and US Energy was still my supplier that month. Total cost for just their supply of electricity was $66.25. That doesn't include National Grid's basic service! I got my electric bill in the mail on Friday, and I was dreading opening it, but also hoping that I'd see better changes. I opened it, and saw that National Grid was my supplier once currently 4 cents a kilowatt!!! My total for supply this month? $22.96. Yes, that's a $43.29 cent difference!!! It really makes me mad, and makes me wish that another US Energy Savings person would come around to ask about signing up for them!!!!

Despite the fact that my bill dropped by 40 bucks, I still would like to get liquid oxygen. Now that I'm pretty sure I'll probably switch to it, I just have to figure out when! I'm not too sure about this week, if my sister and hubby can get the daybed. I guess I'll just have to see how it plays out. I'm looking forward to more savings, though. Heck, even if my electric bill drops another 20 bucks, I'd be happy!!


Anonymous said…
Wow..hope the electric bill continues to go down...I am going to call mine now..LOl thx for reminding me....You got a great rate :)))

Hugs...Luv ya :))
Bonnie said…
I too hate persistant sales people no matter how nice you try. My son says I'm rude but I don't like pushy sales people in person or on the phone. Colleen you have to stick up for your rights and it sounds like that letter you just received came at a perfect time.

Colleen been thinking of you so just take care.

Annette said…
Hello cutie! I've been away from the computer for a while and am trying to catch up on how my phriends are doing. I enjoyed reading about your trip to your Grandmas and all of your insights as you try to work through things, especially the losses. Yup, Patti was an example of living a life of grace. She was quite a woman. I'm glad you're back home and it sounds like Mittens is also quite thrilled. Take care of yourself and keep up the good fight, especially with "IR's!" :)
much love

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