Nothing Much

My weekend was filled with nothing much. I slept in very late on Saturday, I think mostly because it was raining, and the sound was so calming. I just couldn't get myself out of bed, and when I finally did, I saw it was just after 11am. Ooops! I spent my day doing nothing but playing online, and then napping. I did put a necklace layout on my board, but that was the extent of my day.

Today was pretty much the same, except I got up earlier than I did Saturday. I heard my upstairs neighbor using her kitchen sink for a long time, and her washer going, so I didn't take my shower right away because I knew I wouldn't have much time with hot water. She took her own shower and eventually left the house, so I finally got a shower around 2:30. All that time I spent online, chatting with a friend and playing games. Another hour on the phone with another friend, and then I finally dried my hair. I made dinner and spent the evening online while watching tv. Soon I'll head to bed.

I feel as if I'm stuck in a rut. I wish it were warmer out so I could spend time outside instead of online for a day. Of course, I could set limits on myself and not use my laptop so much. I mean, there are things I could do around here that doesn't involve me sitting on my butt all day in the kitchen staring at a screen. I am hoping that when the weather does get warmer, I can do some sort of other crafty project outside in the fresh air and sun. I might look around for a paint by number, since it's been so long since I've done one, and it would be time consuming. But in the meantime, I need to figure out what I need to do to get myself off the internet more often before that warmer weather gets here (and it sure better get here!!! lol).


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