Still In Pain, But Not As Much

My arms still hurt, but after 2 Tylenol arthritis, it is starting to subside. I'm hoping they will be much better tomorrow!

I told my doctor about my support group meeting today, and she told me she is so very proud of me. She said the support group gives me new purpose. She's so right. For the longest time, I've felt like, why am I here? I can't work, what am I supposed to be doing with my life? The support group is a new beginning for me, and it is so needed. The group is needed to bring people together. I need the group to know that I'm not so alone with PH, but to also give me the feeling that I'm accomplishing something. And so far, it's working. :)

I think I need to go to bed. It's so early, though, I'll end up waking at like 7am. I'm trying to hold off until at least midnight. I think the shots have made me sleepy! I sure hope they hold back the flu and pneumonia for the pain they've caused me today. lol Oh well, g'night!


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