What Support!

Wednesday was the last day to RSVP for my support group meeting on Saturday. I got 2 calls today, which was fine! So right now I have a total of 10 people listed as coming. This would include 7 PH patients, and 3 family members. This is not including my mom and I. A representative from Accredo is also coming. I have yet to hear from my PH specialist. I've emailed him twice, but no response. That's ok, though. I honestly never expected him to even suggest coming, and it's understandable if he doesn't want to drive the 3 hours to get here! So maybe next time!

I'm so looking forward to this meeting. A part of me is very nervous. I'm not a person who likes to get up in front of a crowd and just talk away. So this is a different venue for me, but I think it will be good. I wanted to meet other people going through what I've experienced. And this is what is happening! It's exciting and nerve-wracking, all rolled into one. I'll be surprised if I even eat breakfast Saturday morning. Or lunch for that matter. I'm sure I'll have butterflies in my stomach!

Not too much has been going on, other than getting things ready for the support group. I went for coffee last night with my friends, and we had a great time. We're having a girls night next Friday, and I'm looking forward to that, too! I also have a wedding to go to next Saturday. I really need to get a gift for them, since I don't have cash to write them a check. Gotta love the plastic. lol I gave all my jewelry to my friend, Michelle, so she could try selling some at her place of work. She sold one set already, and that was to her niece! I hope she can sell alot for me, I'll be so thankful!

I picked up my treadmill Sunday at my friend's house. My dad drove his truck there, and my friend's hubby helped him put it in the flatbed. It is still there. There's no way my dad can move that thing by himself, and I'd shoot him if he tried! He's waiting until someone from work is available to help him move it into my computer room. I thought it was going to happen today, but then my dad called to say the one guy couldn't make it. Oh well, ittook me a year to pick up the treadmill, I can wait a few more days. lol

Off to bed I go! I have lots to do tomorrow for the meeting! G'night, all. :)

Written by melonlady1724 . Link to this entry
This entry has 1 comments: (Add your own)
I'm probably a little late, but I often find really great gifts & deals on Crate & Barrel's outlet store on the web. Comment from fitzzer - 10/19/05 11:11 AM


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