Cat Scan Done...

...and now comes the waiting for results. I really hate that they won't have anything until Thursday. UGH. I need an answer like today! It's just frustrating. It's not my doctor's fault, it's the tech people who read the scans and do the report. I don't know why it will take that long, but there isn't much I can do about it. I will call my doctor tomorrow just to see anyway if they heard something. So far today, I did cough up blood around 7am, and am now just feeling tired since I couldn't go back to sleep after that. Today is not that cold outside, and I felt like going to a store after my scan!! lol We were soooooo close to one store I want to go to to get Mandy a gift, but Joan had to get back to work. Maybe if I'm feeling ok, I'll ask my mom later if she just wants to go. I just need a little outing! Nothing major, but I'm so cooped up, and today is at least decent enough for me to get outside. We'll see. Right now I need a little nap before hosting PH chat at 1pm!


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