A New Year, An Anniversary, And Friggin Cold Temps!

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Happy 2008!! It's hard to believe that we are already 8 years into the 2000's. I feel like just yesterday, I was all excited about it turning into the year 2000. I really don't know where the time has gone. It seems the older I get, the faster the year goes by. And the more I forget. LOL

Today is my 9th anniversary of moving into my apartment. Ok, talk about time flying!! So much has happened to me in the 9 years since I've been here. My health changed. I had to quit my job. I got a cat. I got my masters degree. I met new friends, and lost a few old ones. I've repainted 3 rooms in the house to make it more my own style. It's been so nice being able to live down the street from my parents. I'm independent, yet I have the help so close to me if I need it. I love living here and having this place as my own!

It is freezing here today, and will be pretty cold tomorrow too. I think it's been 16 degrees most of the day, and the wind chills have been even worse! I was supposed to get bloodwork done this morning, but I cancelled it. There was no way I was going in this cold weather when I'm still trying to get my lungs to get better from pneumonia. So I've stayed home today, and most likely I will tomorrow, too. I made a banana bread this afternoon, which smells sooooo delicious!! I might have some as dessert or a snack later on this evening!

Well now it's close to dinner time, so I must think of something to do with shrimp. lol


I don't always add a comment, but I check and read your blog every day :) Sounds yummy! The banana bread...can you put the recipe up? I love it too, but do not know how to make it.

Jen said…
Man what a busy person you have been in the last 9 years!!! I know time seems to fly by..
Banana bread sounds yummy.
You have been so strong with all that you have been dealt!!!
Take care my Phriend.
Stay inside and stay warm and toasty...
Sue "T" said…
Hi Colleen,
Time does go by so quickly, that is why we have to nurture and appreciate every day.
And, you certainly have been so busy in that time frame. I did not know you had your masters, that is great, alot of hard work too. I admire when someone gets education. I stopped at my Associate Degree in nursing and felt guilty that I never finished my batchelors.
Your living arrangements are wonderful too honey. I still want to visit Niagra Falls, as I have not been there since being a little one. I am mesmorized by them.
Oh yummy, banana bread!! I love that, and when baking, it smells amazing. Sometimes, I wish I would just bake to make the house smell so good. I have really slacked off at cooking and baking since I got sick. I lost all enthusiasm until someone posts they made something as awesome as banana bread. I want the recipe too. :-)
Well, please take care of yourself and still rest. And, stay indoors until the weather changes. It's supposed to be almost 60* here on Monday, isn't that unbelievable!!!
Many hugs and blessings,
Sue :-)

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