Some Thoughts!

This is just a quick entry! I need to go lay down for a bit. I'm tired, and I'm sure it stems from doing a 6mw on my treadmill about an hour ago. Yesterday I felt like I had enough energy to try to start walking again. I did 10 minutes, and then some stretches. My body felt stunned, it seemed like! I haven't exercised since mid-November. I'm worried that my 6mw in two weeks isn't going to get me far since I haven't been walking. Anyway, I was tired yesterday, and I'm tired today after walking. And last night, my left lung was a little achy. Not terribly, but it was enough to wonder if I should start walking again. I'll see what happens later on today. If my lung doesn't like me, then I won't continue until I talk to my doctor. I think it's a little obvious, though, that I'm still not quite over the pneumonia.

On another topic, my Grandma (my mom's mom) turns 85 today! She doesn't look anything near 80s or even late 70s. She's doing well health-wise. Seems like she could keep on going for many more years! My mom went to Horseheads, NY today, where she grew up and where my Grandma and many of her family still live. A bunch of her family are going out to dinner with my Grandma, and my mom is going to surprise her. Only one of my aunts knows she's coming. I would have loved to go, too, but I thought it would have been a rather stupid move. I can't even get through exercising, I wouldn't be able to make a 3-hr trip and visiting with family! I made my Grandma some pairs of earrings, though, and a cute card. So hopefully she'll like it! Happy 85th Birthday, Grandma!!


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