A Surprise In The Backyard
I have since found out information about the bird. Of course, my upstairs neighbor had something to do with it's presence! The bird's name is London (for London, Ontario), and she is a racing pigeon. Now, maybe I've missed something, but how the hell do you race a pigeon?? I've heard of pigeon racing, sadly, but I don't quite know what happens with it! Anyway, London has a broken wing, which I kinda figured, because why would she be in a cage in my backyard?? Apparently London needs a home. I like birds, I had 3 parakeets growing up. But I sure hope London doesn't end up permanently residing here. So far, I don't think my neighbor is planning on bringing London into the house. I think that is good, because I don't want it cooing me awake in the mornings!! lol I do have to admit, though, every time I looked out my bedroom window this afternoon (where I have a clear view of her), I awwwww'd. She is a little cute, to me anyway!
Hope London will recover soon but maybe not at your place...
Hope you are having a great day :))
Love & hugs,
Trust me this is very possible and NOT a lot of fun!!! It happen to my Aunt one time! LOL!!