Turning Things Down

It has been such a long and exhausting week. I thought that I'd be able to take it easy, for the most part, on Wednesday and Thursday before starting a busy weekend. But then I ended up getting the tube in my ear on Wednesday, and it made for a very extended several days of not a lot of rest. The procedure was quick, not lasting more than 10 minutes. But, I can't lie and say it didn't hurt. It DID. I think what was most bothersome is that I could hear everything. The doctor numbed my eardrum with a topical anesthetic, but it didn't seem like it helped too much since I could still feeling pinching and stuff going on. Of course, maybe if he didn't put the gel on my eardrum, it would've been 10x worse! He drained out the fluid a couple of times, and wow. I can hear so much better! Of course, now that I've been home, I'm turning down the volume on many of the electronics around here. lol Had to turn the tv down, even the laptop. As much as I didn't like the procedure, I'm thankful I can hear better!! Who knows how long the tube will stay in for, and who knows after it's out if I'll eventually need a new one. Right now, all I know is that my ear is better than before, even if it's still a little achy.

Thursday I was so tired, but I made it to rehab to exercise and say goodbye to a lady who will be moving to Boston to be with her sons. We had a little party for her, brought in some goodies, and had some good laughs! I'll miss her, and I'm sure she'll miss us, too! After that, I delivered bridal party jewelry to my nurse at my PCP's office. She got married yesterday, so I hope her day turned out wonderful! She also let me know the results of Monday's bloodwork, and I'm happy to say that my cholesterol is 193!!!! Yay!! My bad cholesterol is still a smidgen too high, but it wasn't enough to worry my PCP. I'm just so glad my cholesterol is finally at a good point, and I know that it's from going to rehab, eating better, and taking a statin drug. Hopefully I can keep it up!

Friday morning was my niece's preschool graduation, so I got up early once again to see it. She was so cute, as were the other kids, and it was a nice time! I spent the afternoon dealing with a headache and trying to get rest so I could go to Erin's daughter's dance recital. I did end up going, and she was really good! She is 5, and she had such a look of concentration on her face during both her dances. lol I'm glad I went, despite the headache!

Yesterday I tried to relax as much as I could before going to Mandy's house for the kids' birthday party. It was just a cake and ice cream get-together, but it was fun. My niece will be 5 on Monday, and my nephew will be 3 on Tuesday. They had a great time blowing out the candles, opening their gifts, and playing with their cousins. The weather was nice (for me anyway), too, and so it was an enjoyable evening!

Today is Father's Day, and I'm going in a bit down to The Silo in Lewiston with my dad to have lunch. It's another beautiful day, and so I thought it would be a great place to go since it's outdoors! Hopefully later I can watch a movie since I joined Netflix on Friday. Four of the six movies I picked out can be watched on my laptop, so I'll pick one of them and chill out! I'm hoping to have a much slower week this week than last. Even though I've been doing pretty good with my PH, long exhausting days and weeks remind me all over again that I am not a totally healthy person.


CL said…
Glad the hearing is better. I know what you mean about how little things add up to exhaustion, even if they are fun. (((hugs))) to you.
Anonymous said…
Glad the hearing is back!
I know doing just a few"normal" things and then boom..we feel so not normal...lol
Try and rest up this week..maybe this will be a slow restful week for you...Luv ya Loca!!

HUGS :))

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