Another Year of Exercise

This morning I reluctantly got out of bed to get ready to go to rehab and then do some errands. I think I'm coming down with something, so I really debated for quite awhile whether to even go outside. But, I did, and I left a little bit early so that when I got to the hospital, I could see the Financial Advisor about getting help to pay for rehab for another year. Despite how I'm feeling, I'm glad that I went. She was readily available, she remembered me from last year, and she set it up and printed out a copy for myself. She told me next year when I start thinking about turkeys, to come see her again. lol I'm glad that is taken care of. I don't know what I'd do if I had to stop rehab because I can't afford it anymore on my own. I really do think it's helping me so much!


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